New Series on Quantitative Imaging

Next Open MIC meeting:
“More Than Just a Pretty Picture: Acquiring Images for Analysis”
Tuesday, April 26th
LSA Room 347

Do you want more out of your images than just something to show at lab meeting? Perhaps you want to count objects, measure intensity, or determine whether two proteins colocalize? Well, the first step is to make sure you’re acquiring your data in the best way possible. We’ll discuss best practices and pitfalls of image acquisition for quantitative purposes, and then open up the discussion to the group. Whether you’re just starting out, or are an experienced image analyzer, we welcome everyone to come and learn from each other.

This is the first installment of a multi-part series on Quantitative Imaging. After the April meeting, we’ll have a session on May 24th on Image Processing, led by Holly Aaron. Then, we hope to line up a few speakers over the summer to discuss Image Analysis using Matlab, R, and ImageJ. If you would like to present or have specific questions that you’d like addressed, please email Jen Lee.

The main goal is to discuss how to approach quantitative image from acquisition all the way to analysis, with the hope of helping MIC users design better experiments. Hope to see you there!

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